正规彩票十大网站排名充满信仰的社区是由学生组成的, 对学习和成长充满热情的教职员工, 课堂内外都有.


“阅读成功”立法要求南卡罗来纳州所有K-12教师完成“阅读成功”背书. 完成这一认可的一个途径是参加四门扫盲研究生课程.


  • 正规彩票十大网站排名在南卡罗来纳州培养高素质的教育工作者方面享有全州的声誉.
  • 课程经南卡罗莱纳教育厅批准,符合R2S要求(source)
  • 课程可以完全在线学习. 
  • 课程可以作为独立课程或选修课 M.Ed. 课堂领导 程序.



访问我们的 学费和杂费页面 查看具体的节目信息. 请致电877-644-5557与正规彩票十大网站排名在线招生团队联系   学区的特殊价格选项.


如欲报名,请 下载并填写此注册表格 并遵循它的指示.

欲了解更多信息,请联系学术记录办公室   or 864-644-5530.


选修课程的学生没有资格获得第四章联邦援助, 但这是有可能的 MEDCL 学生可以用多余的贷款资金来支付选修课程. 私人教育贷款可能是一种选择. 您可以探索贷方选项及其独特的特定要求 在这里. 如需更多信息,请联系a 财政援助代表.



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EDUC 5913 - R2S阅读基础(含实习)

这是一门R2S课程,旨在概述阅读及其对阅读成功的课程影响. 重点放在当前的理论和证据为基础的地方阅读和写作过程和指导. All participants will recognize theories in reading and writing; explain language and reading development; have knowledge and demonstrate understanding of proven strategies; exhibit affirmative dispositions related to their own reading and writing; and understand external influences on the policies regarding reading. 强调专业学习和领导能力作为职业生涯过程的持续重要性. This course will emphasize the following SC Literacy Competencies for PreK-5th grade: Standard 1- Foundational Knowledge; 6- Professional Learning and Leadership. 包括12小时的实习.

EDUC 5923 - R2S阅读评估(附实习

这是一门R2S课程,旨在通过对阅读和写作过程的评估和评价,帮助参与者拓宽和加深对阅读和写作进程的理解. Participants will have a repertoire of different types of assessments and their characteristics; formative and summative assessments and the administration and interpretation; the use of assessment information to plan, 评估, and adapt instruction; and the communication of assessment results and implications to varied audiences. 本课程将着重于幼儿园至五年级学生的以下SC读写能力:标准3-阅读评估. 包括12小时的实习.

EDUC 5933 - R2S教学实践/实习

这是一门R2S课程,旨在向参与者展示教学方法和材料,以帮助实施一个综合的, 全面的, 以及平衡的课程,以支持学生在小学至五年级的阅读和写作学习. The participants will be able to design and implement a complete and balanced curriculum while using content knowledge; implementing appropriate and a variety of instructional strategies; understanding the value of the K-5 student’s background and prior knowledge; making connections for reading and writing with other disciplines by integrating instruction; using a variety of texts and formats; organizing instructional time based on proven best strategies and scaffolding for both oral and written language; encouraging students’ communication by introducing and building vocabulary for K-5 students; encouraging fluency in reading through practice with varied texts. 本课程将强调以下幼儿园至五年级的SC读写能力:标准2-课程和教学. 包括12小时的实习.


EDUC 5273内容区阅读 & 写作中/中学/实习

本课程为R2S课程,旨在帮助6-12岁的教师掌握提高学生阅读理解和写作能力的策略. 班级成员将参与活动和策略,以帮助学生更好地阅读和理解信息内容领域的材料和思想和写作. This course will emphasize the following SC Literacy Competencies for Middle and Secondary: Standard 1: Foundational Knowledge; Standard 2 Curriculum and Instruction; Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation; Standard 4- Diversity; Assessment 5-Literate Environment; Standard 6-Professional Learning and Leadership. 包括12小时的实习.

EDUC 5283 -内容区阅读 & 幼儿/小学写作/实习

本课程是一门R2S课程,旨在帮助K-5教师掌握提高学生阅读理解和写作能力的策略. 班级成员将参与活动和策略,以帮助学生更好地阅读和理解信息内容领域的材料和思想和写作. The participants will be able to recognize and build the instruction on the K-5 students’ cultural and linguistic diversity including special needs and dual language learners; be an advocate for impartiality; optimize the use of both print and digital media; support practices that foster reading; This course will emphasize the following SC Literacy Competencies for PreK-5th grade: Standard 4-Diversity; Assessment 5-Literate Environment; Standard 7-Dual Language Learners (English Language Learners). 包括12小时的实习.